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mVisualVoiceMail 1.1.1

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mVisualVoiceMail 1.1.1
mVisualVoiceMail 1.1.1 
It's great being able to receive voicemail attachments to emails using Pocket Outlook, or a similar Windows Mobile client. However, what's not great is that these can so easily get lost or disorganised, leaving you searching around for ages trying to find the messages you were sent........

It's great being able to receive voicemail attachments to emails using Pocket Outlook, or a similar Windows Mobile client. However, what's not great is that these can so easily get lost or disorganised, leaving you searching around for ages trying to find the messages you were sent.
mVisualVoiceMail changes all that, allowing you to use visual voicemail, in much the same way as you can on the iPhone. This eliminates the need to fumble through your inbox to track the voicemails down, or relying on guesswork to find out who they're from.
Instead this software analyses your inbox, capturing all voice messages available and listing information about each one, such as the name and telephone contact, as well as the date and time of submission. It's ever-so simple, and once you've got a voicemail email open you can simply push a button to listen to the message, call the sender back, or send them an email response.
Even if you're the sort of person who doesn't get on too well with Pocket Outlook (and there's a lot of you out there) you can still use mVisualVoiceMail with many other mobile email clients, although functionality will be limited somewhat.
Providing a simple solution to a common problem, mVisualVoiceMail is a must-have if you receive lots of voice attachments by email.
  • Displays voicemail data very clearly
  • One-click playback, callback and reply
  • You'll need Pocket Outlook to experience full functionality

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