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PhotoCoaster 1.3.1 (SP)

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PhotoCoaster 1.3.1 (SP)
PhotoCoaster 1.3.1 (SP) 
PhotoCoaster allows you to share photos and presentations with friends in a slideshow-style format making it easy for you to compile and generate all your best images in a slick scrolling feature. You can even add music. This can all be done very quickly. You select the images from a folder, select the audio file and then choose the speed of the scrolling. One great feature is that you can record your own music to add so you don't have to stick with a preset file.
Then you can upload your presentation and share it on the.........

PhotoCoaster allows you to share photos and presentations with friends in a slideshow-style format making it easy for you to compile and generate all your best images in a slick scrolling feature. You can even add music. This can all be done very quickly. You select the images from a folder, select the audio file and then choose the speed of the scrolling. One great feature is that you can record your own music to add so you don't have to stick with a preset file.
Then you can upload your presentation and share it on the web. If you have a blog you can add it to that. Photocoaster is a good way of collating mobile images and making a professional and fun album out of them. Obviously your choice of music can enhance this. There are quite a few of these software packages available on the web but this is a great and quick way of making the best use of photos that are normally stuck on your phone.
  • Quick and easy to make presentations
  • Some better packages available online

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