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PocketGravity 0.02

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PocketGravity 0.02
PocketGravity 0.02 
Using Pocket Gravity, you can add different shapes and objects to create a scene in which you can control gravity. In the game, you can create circles, squares, create platforms, use hinges to lock objects in place, and manipulate gravity to do anything. Features include:........

Using Pocket Gravity, you can add different shapes and objects to create a scene in which you can control gravity. In the game, you can create circles, squares, create platforms, use hinges to lock objects in place, and manipulate gravity to do anything. Features include:
- Circle and box plotting
- Drag 'n Drop, angle changing
- Cloning
- Advanced joints
- Gravity control
- 100 undo/redo levels
- Save/Loads, Scene sharing
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