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SplashPhoto 5.02

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SplashPhoto 5.02
SplashPhoto 5.02 
SplashPhoto is a fast, easy to use image viewer for Windows Mobile Smartphone handhelds. SplashPhoto allows users to organize images on their handhelds for individual or slideshow viewing......

SplashPhoto is a fast, easy to use image viewer for Windows Mobile Smartphone handhelds. SplashPhoto allows users to organize images on their handhelds for individual or slideshow viewing.
It is designed to provide optimal image viewing within the confines of a handheld's reduced display size and limited memory. In addition, SplashPhoto 5.0 includes desktop software that synchronizes with the handheld, for editing, optimizing, installing, organizing and cataloging images.
To install SplashPhoto, simply connect your device to your desktop computer. Run the Installer and follow the on screen instructions. At the end of installation, the software will install on the mobile device. The included desktop software lets you easily edit (crop, zoom, rotate, contrast, brightness) and organize images and synchronize the desktop catalog with your handheld.

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