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Tipster (SP)

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Tipster (SP)
Tipster (SP) 
Many an eyeball has been lost when I've been out for a meal with friends or family, over who owes what, how much we're going to tip the waitor, or whether Geoff Hurst's shot actually crossed the line in the 1966 World Cup final. Tipster is a program designed to settle these arguments (apart from the last one, but I happen to know for a fact that it did).........

Many an eyeball has been lost when I've been out for a meal with friends or family, over who owes what, how much we're going to tip the waitor, or whether Geoff Hurst's shot actually crossed the line in the 1966 World Cup final. Tipster is a program designed to settle these arguments (apart from the last one, but I happen to know for a fact that it did).
The application allows you to calculate the account of your bill and divide it between several people. It's very straightforward to operate - you simply input the cost of the bill, define the percentage of tax that you wish to pay, and enter the number of people who are paying. The program then quickly calculates the amount that each person must fork out and displays this information in the same window. All of the fields, apart from the total bill amount, are optional, so Tipster is pretty flexible.
Unfortunately the program only really works if you're splitting the bill evenly so is unlikely to solve any squabbles over the tablecloth if one person has just had a salad and everyone else has been quaffing oysters and caviar all evening.
  • Simple means of calculating the share of a bill
  • All fields are optional
  • Performs calculations very quickly
  • Doesn't account for different orders

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